Adds a child to the current selection using the
newObject method. If the tree controller is in
"object" mode, then newObject is called to add a
new node.
Key value path for the flag which gives the count for
the children of this node. The path indicated here must
be key-value compliant. If count is enabled, then add:,
addChild:, remove:, removeChild: and insert: are
disabled. This key path is option since it can be
determined by the array of children retuned by
the childKeyPath. The mode the tree controller is in
when this is not specified is called "object" mode.
Inserts a child using the newObject method. This
method will fail if canInsertChild returns
NO. If the tree controller is in
"object" mode, then newObject is called to add a
new node.
Inserts objects into arranged
objects at the specified
indexPaths. These arrays are expected to
be parallel and have the same number of
objects. This method will only function if
the tree controller is in "object" mode.
Key value path for the flag which determins that this
is a leaf. The path indicated here must be key-value
compliant. This key path is optional as it can
be determined by the children returned by the
Causes the controller to re-sort and rearrange the
objects. This method should be called if anything
has been done that affects the list of objects in the
Sets the count key path. This needs to be
key-value compliant. Setting this key
path will disable add:, addChild:,
remove:, removeChild:, and insert: methods. If
this is not specified, the tree controller is in
"object" mode.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private, it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.