Fred Kiefer (FredKiefer@gmx.de
Michael Hanni (mhanni@sprintmail.com
Date: Generated at 2025-02-11 22:28:02 +0100
Copyright: (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
Instance Variables
- (void)
addItemWithTitle: (
NSString *)title;
Availability: OpenStep
Add an item to the popup with title .
- (void)
addItemsWithTitles: (
NSArray *)titles;
Availability: OpenStep
Add a number of items to the reciever using the
provided itemTitles array.
- (BOOL)
altersStateOfSelectedItem ;
Availability: OpenStep
Return YES
, if the reciever changes the
state of the item chosen by the user.
- (
NSPopUpArrowPosition )
arrowPosition ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the current arrow position of the reciever.
- (void)
attachPopUpWithFrame: (
NSRect )cellFrame
inView: (
NSView *)controlView;
Availability: OpenStep
Attach popup
- (BOOL)
autoenablesItems ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns YES
, if the items are
- (void)
dismissPopUp ;
Availability: OpenStep
Dismiss the reciever.
- (
NSInteger )
indexOfItem: (id<
NSMenuItem >)item;
Availability: OpenStep
Return the index of item in the
item array of the reciever.
- (
NSInteger )
indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject: (id)obj;
Availability: OpenStep
Index of the item whose menu item's representedObject
is equal to obj .
- (
NSInteger )
indexOfItemWithTag: (
NSInteger )tag;
Availability: OpenStep
Return index of the item with a tag equal
to aTag.
- (
NSInteger )
indexOfItemWithTarget: (id)aTarget
andAction: (SEL)actionSelector;
Availability: OpenStep
Index of the item in the reciever whose target and
action are equal to aTarget and
actionSelector .
- (
NSInteger )
indexOfItemWithTitle: (
NSString *)title;
Availability: OpenStep
Return index of the item with the given
title .
- (
NSInteger )
indexOfSelectedItem ;
Availability: OpenStep
Index of the currently selected item in the reciever.
- (id)
initTextCell: (
NSString *)stringValue
pullsDown: (BOOL)flag;
Availability: OpenStep
Initialize with stringValue and
pullDown. If pullDown is YES
, the
reciever will be a pulldown button.
- (void)
insertItemWithTitle: (
NSString *)title
atIndex: (
NSInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Adds an item with the given title at
index . If an item already exists at
index , it, and all items after it are
advanced one position. Index needs to be within
the valid range for the array of items in the popup
- (
NSArray *)
itemArray ;
Availability: OpenStep
Item array of the reciever.
- (id<
NSMenuItem >)
itemAtIndex: (
NSInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Return the item at index .
- (
NSString *)
itemTitleAtIndex: (
NSInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Set item title at the given index in the
- (
NSArray *)
itemTitles ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns an array containing all of the current item
- (id<
NSMenuItem >)
itemWithTitle: (
NSString *)title;
Availability: OpenStep
Return the item with title .
- (id<
NSMenuItem >)
lastItem ;
Availability: OpenStep
Return the item listed last in the reciever.
- (
NSMenu *)
menu ;
Availability: OpenStep
Return the menu for the popup.
- (
NSInteger )
numberOfItems ;
Availability: OpenStep
Number of items in the reciever.
- (void)
performClickWithFrame: (
NSRect )frame
inView: (
NSView *)controlView;
Availability: OpenStep
Perform the click operation with the given
frame and controlView .
- (
NSRectEdge )
preferredEdge ;
Availability: OpenStep
Return the preferred edge.
- (BOOL)
pullsDown ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns YES
, if this is a pull-down
- (void)
removeAllItems ;
Availability: OpenStep
Purges all items from the popup.
- (void)
removeItemAtIndex: (
NSInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Remove a given item based on its index ,
must be a valid index within the range for
the item array of this popup.
- (void)
removeItemWithTitle: (
NSString *)title;
Availability: OpenStep
Remove a given item based on its title .
- (void)
selectItem: (id<
NSMenuItem >)item;
Availability: OpenStep
Select item in the reciever.
- (void)
selectItemAtIndex: (
NSInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Select item at the given index .
- (void)
selectItemWithTitle: (
NSString *)title;
Availability: OpenStep
Select the item with the given title .
- (id<
NSMenuItem >)
selectedItem ;
Availability: OpenStep
The currently selected item in the reciever.
- (void)
setAltersStateOfSelectedItem: (BOOL)flag;
Availability: OpenStep
Set to YES
, if the state of the menu item
selected in the reciever should be changed when
it's selected. Return YES
, if the
reciever changes the state of the item chosen by
the user.
- (void)
setArrowPosition: (
NSPopUpArrowPosition )pos;
Availability: OpenStep
Sets the current arrow position of the reciever.
- (void)
setAutoenablesItems: (BOOL)flag;
Availability: OpenStep
Set to YES
, if the items are to be
- (void)
setMenu: (
NSMenu *)menu;
Availability: OpenStep
Set the menu for the popup.
- (void)
setPreferredEdge: (
NSRectEdge )preferredEdge;
Availability: OpenStep
Set the preferred edge as described by edge. This is
used to determine the edge which will open the popup
when the screen is small.
- (void)
setPullsDown: (BOOL)flag;
Availability: OpenStep
Set to YES
to make the popup button a
pull-down style control. Set the pull-down
- (void)
setTitle: (
NSString *)aString;
Availability: OpenStep
Set title to aString .
- (void)
setUsesItemFromMenu: (BOOL)flag;
Availability: OpenStep
Set to YES
, if the reciever should use a
menu item for its title. YES
is the
- (void)
synchronizeTitleAndSelectedItem ;
Availability: OpenStep
Synchronizes the title and the selected item.
This sets the selected item to the title of the
- (
NSString *)
titleOfSelectedItem ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the title of the currently selected item in
the reciever.
- (BOOL)
usesItemFromMenu ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns YES
, if the reciever uses a
menu item for its title.
Instance Variables for NSPopUpButtonCell Class
@protected id
_selectedItem ;
Availability: OpenStep
Warning the underscore at the start of the
name of this instance variable indicates that, even
though it is not technically private , it is
intended for internal use within the package, and
you should not use the variable in other code.
@protected struct __pbcFlags struct __pbcFlags ;
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.