- Generated by fedor
id GSContactApplication(NSString* appName, NSString* port, NSDate* expire);
Availability: Not in OpenStep/MacOS-X
Establishes an NSConnection to the application
listening at port (by convention
usually the application name), launching
appName if necessary. Returns the proxy to
the remote application, or nil
on failure.
The value of port specifies the name of the
distributed objects service to which the
connection is to be made. If this is
it will be inferred from
appName... by convention, applications use
their own name (minus any path or extension) for
If appName is nil
or cannot be
launched, this attempts to locate any application
in a standard location whose name matches
port and launch that application.
The value of expire provides a timeout in
case the application cannot be contacted promptly. If
it is omitted, a thirty second timeout is used.
int NSApplicationMain(int argc, const char** argv);
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
BOOL NSPerformService(NSString* serviceItem, NSPasteboard* pboard);
Availability: OpenStep
Given the name of a serviceItem, and some
data in a pasteboard this function sends the data to
the service provider (launching another application if
necessary) and retrieves the result of the
service in the pastebaord.
Returns YES
on success, NO
void NSRegisterServicesProvider(id provider, NSString* name);
Availability: OpenStep
Registers a services providing object using the
specified port
should not need to use this, as they can use the
[NSApplication -setServicesProvider:]
method instead. The NSApplication method will use the
name of the application rather than an other port
int NSSetShowsServicesMenuItem(NSString* name, BOOL enabled);
Availability: OpenStep
Controls whether the item name should
be included in the services menu.
If enabled is YES
then the
services menu for each application will include
the named item, if enabled is
then the service will not be shown
in application services menus.
Returns 0 if the setting is successfuly changed.
Non-zero otherwise.
void NSShowSystemInfoPanel(NSDictionary* options);
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
BOOL NSShowsServicesMenuItem(NSString* name);
Availability: OpenStep
Returns a flag indicating whether the named service
is supposed to be displayed in application services menus.
void NSUnRegisterServicesProvider(NSString* name);
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
void NSUpdateDynamicServices();
Availability: OpenStep
A services providing application may use this to update the
list of services it provides.
In order to update
the services advertised, the application must create a
.service bundle and place it in
before invoking this
void NSFrameLinkRect(NSRect aRect, BOOL isDestination);
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
float NSLinkFrameThickness();
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
NSUInteger NSEventMaskFromType(NSEventType type);
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
int NSConvertGlyphsToPackedGlyphs(NSGlyph* glBuf, int count, NSMultibyteGlyphPacking packing, char* packedGlyphs);
Availability: MacOS-X 10.0.0
Description forthcoming.
NSGraphicsContext* GSCurrentContext();
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
NSInterfaceStyle NSInterfaceStyleForKey(NSString* key, NSResponder* responder);
Availability: MacOS-X 10.0.0
Returns the interface style the
responder should use, which affects how a
UI element (such as a button or menu) is displayed. If
the responder has an interface style set,
the key is ignored and the responder's
interface style is returned. Otherwise the style
associated with the key is returned
(if set), otherwise the default style is returned. In
no case will the style NSNoInterfaceStyle
be returned.
Styles can be set using the user defaults system.
Currently available styles are
You can set a default style for all UI elements using
the NSInterfaceStyleDefault
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSInterfaceStyleDefault GSWindowMakerInterfaceStyle
NSInteger GSRunExceptionPanel(NSString* title, NSException* exception, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton);
Availability: MacOS-X 10.0.0
Description forthcoming.
void NSBeginAlertSheet(NSString* title, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton, NSWindow* docWindow, id modalDelegate, SEL willEndSelector, SEL didEndSelector, void* contextInfo, NSString* msg,...);
Availability: MacOS-X 10.0.0
Description forthcoming.
void NSBeginCriticalAlertSheet(NSString* title, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton, NSWindow* docWindow, id modalDelegate, SEL willEndSelector, SEL didEndSelector, void* contextInfo, NSString* msg,...);
Availability: MacOS-X 10.0.0
Description forthcoming.
void NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet(NSString* title, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton, NSWindow* docWindow, id modalDelegate, SEL willEndSelector, SEL didEndSelector, void* contextInfo, NSString* msg,...);
Availability: MacOS-X 10.0.0
Description forthcoming.
id NSGetAlertPanel(NSString* title, NSString* msg, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton,...);
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
id NSGetCriticalAlertPanel(NSString* title, NSString* msg, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton,...);
Availability: MacOS-X 10.0.0
Description forthcoming.
id NSGetInformationalAlertPanel(NSString* title, NSString* msg, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton,...);
Availability: MacOS-X 10.0.0
Description forthcoming.
void NSReleaseAlertPanel(id panel);
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
NSInteger NSRunAlertPanel(NSString* title, NSString* msg, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton,...);
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
NSInteger NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(NSString* title, NSString* msg, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton,...);
Availability: MacOS-X 10.0.0
Description forthcoming.
NSInteger NSRunInformationalAlertPanel(NSString* title, NSString* msg, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton,...);
Availability: MacOS-X 10.0.0
Description forthcoming.
NSInteger NSRunLocalizedAlertPanel(NSString* table, NSString* title, NSString* msg, NSString* defaultButton, NSString* alternateButton, NSString* otherButton,...);
Availability: Not in OpenStep/MacOS-X
Description forthcoming.
NSString* NSCreateFileContentsPboardType(NSString* fileType);
Availability: OpenStep
NSString* NSCreateFilenamePboardType(NSString* fileType);
Availability: OpenStep
NSString* NSGetFileType(NSString* pboardType);
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the file type (fileType extension)
corresponding to the pasteboard type given.
This is a counterpart to the
NSArray* NSGetFileTypes(NSArray* pboardTypes);
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the file types (filename extensions)
corresponding to the pasteboard types given.
NSArray* PlaybackDeviceIdentifiers();
Availability: OpenStep
Function used to retrieve all available playback
This function is the only way to retrieve possible
playback device identifiers understood by [NSSound
NSArray* GSGetDragTypes(NSView* aView);
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.