Richard Frith-Macdonald (rfm@gnu.org
Date: Generated at 2025-02-11 22:18:53 +0100
Copyright: (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep
An XMLDocument encapsulates an entire document. This must
contain a single element node.
+ (Class)
replacementClassForClass: (Class)cls;
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
- (
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the DTD set for the receiver.
- (
NSString *)
MIMEType ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the document MIME type..
- (
NSData *)
XMLData ;
Availability: OpenStep
- (
NSData *)
XMLDataWithOptions: (
NSUInteger )theOptions;
Availability: OpenStep
Outputs the reciever encoded using the specified
- (void)
addChild: (
NSXMLNode *)child;
Availability: OpenStep
Adds child after existing children.
- (
NSString *)
characterEncoding ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the IANA character encoding, or
if none is set.
- (id)
initWithContentsOfURL: (
NSURL *)url
options: (
NSUInteger )mask
error: (
NSError **)error;
Availability: OpenStep
Initialise using the data downloaded from the
spplied url .
- (id)
initWithData: (
NSData *)data
options: (
NSUInteger )mask
error: (
NSError **)error;
Availability: OpenStep
This is a designated initialiser for the class.
Returns a document created from data .
Parse errors are returned in error
- (id)
initWithRootElement: (
NSXMLElement *)element;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns a document with a single child, the root
element .
- (id)
initWithXMLString: (
NSString *)string
options: (
NSUInteger )mask
error: (
NSError **)error;
Availability: OpenStep
Initialises the receiver by creating a document
from XML (or HTML if the HTMLTidy option is set).
Parse errors are returned in the error
- (void)
insertChild: (
NSXMLNode *)child
atIndex: (
NSUInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Inserts child at index .
- (void)
insertChildren: (
NSArray *)children
atIndex: (
NSUInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Inserts a number of children at the
index .
- (BOOL)
isStandalone ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns NO
if the receiver depends
upon an external DTD, otherwise returns
- (id)
objectByApplyingXSLT: (
NSData *)xslt
arguments: (
NSDictionary *)arguments
error: (
NSError **)error;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns a new document created by applying
xslt (with a set of key/value pairs) to
the receiver.
- (id)
objectByApplyingXSLTAtURL: (
arguments: (
NSDictionary *)arguments
error: (
NSError **)error;
Availability: OpenStep
Downloads XSLT from xsltURL , and then
returns a new document created by applying it (with
a set of key/value pairs) to the receiver.
- (id)
objectByApplyingXSLTString: (
NSString *)xslt
arguments: (
NSDictionary *)arguments
error: (
NSError **)error;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns a new document created by applying
xslt (with a set of key/value pairs) to
the receiver.
- (void)
removeChildAtIndex: (
NSUInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Removes the child at the index .
- (void)
replaceChildAtIndex: (
NSUInteger )index
withNode: (
NSXMLNode *)theNode;
Availability: OpenStep
Replacs the child at the specified index
- (
NSXMLElement *)
rootElement ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the root object of the receiver.
- (void)
setCharacterEncoding: (
NSString *)encoding;
Availability: OpenStep
Sets the character encoding to an IANA
characterset type.
- (void)
setChildren: (
NSArray *)children;
Availability: OpenStep
Replaces all existing child nodes with the ones in
the array.
- (void)
setDTD: (
NSXMLDTD *)documentTypeDeclaration;
Availability: OpenStep
Sets the DTD of the receiver. If this is set then the
DTD will be output when the document is.
- (void)
setDocumentContentKind: (
NSXMLDocumentContentKind )theContentKind;
Availability: OpenStep
Sets the kind of document.
- (void)
setMIMEType: (
NSString *)theMIMEType;
Availability: OpenStep
Sets the document MIME type (usually text/xml).
- (void)
setRootElement: (
NSXMLNode *)root;
Availability: OpenStep
Sets the root object of the receiver,
removing any children which were previously set.
- (void)
setStandalone: (BOOL)standalone;
Availability: OpenStep
Sets whether the receiver is a document which requires
an external DTD. If this is set then the
standalone declaration will appear if the
document is output.
- (void)
setVersion: (
NSString *)version;
Availability: OpenStep
Sets the XML version Permitted
values ar '1.0' or '1,1'
- (BOOL)
validateAndReturnError: (
NSError **)error;
Availability: OpenStep
Description forthcoming.
- (
NSString *)
version ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the XML version or nil
if none
is set.