The NSScanner class cluster (currently a
single class in GNUstep) provides a mechanism to
parse the contents of a string into number and string
values by making a sequence of scan operations to
step through the string retrieving successive items.
You can tell the scanner whether its scanning is
supposed to be case sensitive or not, and you can
specify a set of characters to be skipped before
each scanning operation (by default, whitespace and
If the scanner is set to be case-sensitive in its
scanning of the string (other than characters to
be skipped), this method returns YES,
otherwise it returns NO. The
default is for a scanner to not be case
Returns a set of characters containing those
characters that the scanner ignores when
starting any scan operation. Once a character not
in this set has been encountered during an operation,
skipping is finished, and any further characters
from this set that are found are scanned normally.
The default for this is the
Initialises the scanner to scan
aString. The GNUstep implementation may
make an internal copy of the original string - so it
is not safe to assume that if you modify a mutable
string that you initialised a scanner with, the
changes will be visible to the scanner.
Returns the scanner object.
Returns YES if no more characters
remain to be scanned. Returns
YES if all characters remaining to be
scanned are to be skipped. Returns
NO if there are characters left to
Returns the locale set for the scanner, or
nil if no locale has been set. A
scanner uses it's locale to alter the way it
handles scanning - it uses the NSDecimalSeparator
value for scanning numbers.
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans
any characters from aSet, terminating when a
character not in the set is found. Returns
YES if any character is scanned,
NO otherwise. If
value is not null, any character scanned
are stored in a string returned in this location.
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans a
doublevalue, placing
it in doubleValue if that is not null. Returns
YES if anything is scanned,
NO otherwise. On overflow,
HUGE_VAL or - HUGE_VAL is put into
doubleValue On underflow, 0.0 is put
into doubleValue Scans past any excess
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans a
floatvalue, placing
it in floatValue if that is not null. Returns
YES if anything is scanned,
NO otherwise. On overflow,
HUGE_VAL or - HUGE_VAL is put into
floatValue On underflow, 0.0 is put
into floatValue Scans past any excess
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans a
hexadecimal integer value
(optionally prefixed by "0x" or "0X"), placing
it in intValue if that is not null.
Returns YES if anything is scanned,
NO otherwise. On overflow,
INT_MAX or INT_MIN is put into intValue Scans past any excess digits
- (BOOL) scanHexLongLong: (unsigned long long*)value;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.5.0
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans a
hexadecimal longlongvalue (optionally
prefixed by "0x" or "0X"), placing it in
longLongValue if that is not null.
Returns YES if anything is scanned,
NO otherwise. On overflow,
ULLONG_MAX or ULLONG_MAX is put into
longLongValue Scans past any excess
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans a
integer value, placing it in
intValue if that is not null. Returns
YES if anything is scanned,
NO otherwise. On overflow,
INT_MAX or INT_MIN is put into intValue Scans past any excess digits
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans a
long decimal integer
value placing it in longLongValue
if that is not null. Returns YES if
anything is scanned, NO otherwise.
On overflow, LLONG_MAX or LLONG_MIN is put
into longLongValue Scans past any
excess digits
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans an
unsigned integer placing it in
value if that is not null. If the
number begins with "0x" or "0X" it is treated as
hexadecimal, otherwise if the number begins
with "0" it is treated as octal, otherwise the number
is treated as decimal. Returns YES
if anything is scanned, NO otherwise.
On overflow, UINT_MAX is put into
value Scans past any excess
- (BOOL) scanRadixUnsignedLongLong: (unsigned long long*)value;
Availability: Not in OpenStep/MacOS-X
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans an
unsignedlonglong integer placing it in
value if that is not null. If the
number begins with "0x" or "0X" it is treated as
hexadecimal, otherwise if the number begins
with "0" it is treated as octal, otherwise the number
is treated as decimal. Returns YES
if anything is scanned, NO otherwise.
On overflow, ULLONG_MAX is put into
value Scans past any excess
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans
for string and places the characters found
in value if that is not null. Returns
YES if anything is scanned,
NO otherwise.
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans
characters until it finds one in set.
The scanned characters are placed in
stringValue if that is not null.
Returns YES if anything is scanned,
NO otherwise.
After initial skipping (if any), this method scans
characters until it finds string.
The scanned characters are placed in value
if that is not null. If string is not
found, all the characters up to the end of the
scanned string will be returned.
Returns YES if anything is scanned,
NO otherwise.
NB. If the current scanner location points to a copy
of string, or points to skippable
characters immediately before a copy of
string then this method returns
NO since it finds no characters to
store in value before it finds
To count the occurrences of string, this
should be used in conjunction with the
Sets the case sensitivity of the scanner. Case
sensitivity governs matching of characters
being scanned, but does not effect the characters in
the set to be skipped. The default is for a
scanner to not be case sensitive.
Sets the set of characters that the scanner will skip
over at the start of each scanning operation to be
skipSet. Skipping is performed by literal
character matching - the case sensitivity of the
scanner does not effect it. If this is set to
nil, no skipping is done. The
default for this is the
This method sets the location in the scanned string at
which the next scan operation begins. Raises an
NSRangeException if index is beyond the
end of the scanned string.