Next: 4.3 Specifying the main Up: 4. Wrapping Objective-C Libraries Previous: 4.1 Compiling ready-to-use wrappers

4.2 The GNUmakefile for java wrappers

We are now going to learn how to write the GNUmakefile and the other support files to have JIGS wrap an Objective-C library. We begin with the GNUmakefile. Here is a simple example:

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make


include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/java-wrapper.make

You need to create a new directory, and put this GNUmakefile into it. The JAVA_WRAPPER_NAME must be the same as the name of the library you want to wrap, after removing the lib in front of the library name. In the example, we are wrapping a library called libName.

To correctly generate the java wrappers, you will actually need to instruct JIGS about what classes and methods you want exposed, and how. This will be discussed in detail in the following sections.

As a last comment, you may want to stop JIGS from automatically trying to compile the java wrapper after creating them, and from installing it automatically after installing your library. I don't see why this could be useful except if you are debugging JIGS itself, anyway if you ever need this, just add

to your library's GNUmakefile. Then - JIGS will still create the java wrapper source, but will not automatically compile it. When you want to compile it, you have to cd into the java wrapper directory, and type make there. Similarly, to install the java wrappers cd into the java wrapper directory, and type make install (you probably need to be root) - JIGS will not install them automatically when you install the library.

Next: 4.3 Specifying the main Up: 4. Wrapping Objective-C Libraries Previous: 4.1 Compiling ready-to-use wrappers
Nicola Pero 2001-07-24