Who's who

Corporate Developers

Corporations & Companies actively developing for GNUstep.

Please get in touch with these people if you want to help with something. And you do want to help, don't you?

Developers and Projects

Gregory Casamento (greg.casamento at gmail dot com)
GNUstep Chief Maintainer. Gorm (InterfaceBuilder clone) Maintainer and principal author. Rewrote and refactored Gorm. Added lots of new features. Many contributions to gui. Former gui maintainer.

Adam Fedor (fedor at gnu dot org)
Former GNUstep chief maintainer. Works on configuration, makefiles, and the backend libraries. Works on the Windows packages. Updates to the website.

Richard Frith-MacDonald (rfm at gnu dot org)
Main developer for base library. Developer for gui, and backend libraries. Wrote previous version of Gorm (InterfaceBuilder clone). Wrote GNUstep-guile interface and testsuite.

Nicola Pero
Main developer for make, contributions to gui. Wrote JIGS (the GNUstep Java/Objective-C bridge). Contributed to the GNUstep backend libraries, Objective-C runtime library, testsuite, and something to most other GNUstep core packages. Wrote tutorial documentation.

Fred Kiefer (FredKiefer at gmx dot de)
GUI and backend maintainer, Windows and other backends. Lots of work on text and fonts.

David Ayers (ayers at fsfe dot org)
Maintainer of gdl2. Helps with gnustep-base and other libs.

Serg Stoyan
was ProjectCenter Maintainer and co-author. Creator of NEXTSPACE.

Riccardo Mottola
Current maintainer of GWorkspace, long time contributor of SystemPreferences. Main developer of the GNUstep Application Project, developer and maintainer of PRICE since 2002. Tests and ensures maintenance on exotic platforms.

Matt Rice
Developer of EOInterface and DBModeler. Contributes to other libs.

David Chisnall
Maintainer of libobjc-2 and developer of many Objective-C 2.0 features and clang support.

Stefan Urbanek
Lead developer for the StepTalk scipting framework and AgentFarms simulation suite.

Nikolaus Schaller
Works on SWK, clean-room WebKit reimplementation in pure Objective-C, developer of Software Index (no longer online) and responsible for the mobile cousin of GNUstep, QuantumSTEP
Manuel Guesdon
Former lead developer of GNUstepWeb. Also maintained gnustep.org DNS, and mirrors. Passed away.

Stefan Bidi
Lead developer of CoreBase.

Philippe C.D. Robert
Lead developer of the GNU 3DKit. Wrote the original ProjectCenter.

Pierre-Yves Rivaille (pyrivail at ens-lyon dot fr)
Wrote some of the editors and added the guidelines to Gorm. Lots of other contributions.

Andrew Lindesay
Responsible for the design of GNUstep icons.


Adam Fedor (fedor at gnu dot org)

MJ Ray (mjr at towers dot org dot uk)
Housekeeping, bugfixes, etc, and adding some XML support.

Riccardo Mottola
Designed and implemented the new boostrap based layout.

Scott Stevenson
Designed the new (old) layout.

Jotham Ritorze (j.ritorze at ihug dot com dot au)
Designed the even older layout.

Other Important Developers

Note that the email addesses here may not be current.

Alexander Malmberg (alexander at malmberg dot org)
Major Developer for gui and back. Wrote art backend, new text system. Lots of other contributions.

Daniel Boehringer (boehring at biomed dot ruhr-uni-bochum dot de)
Wrote the previous version of the NSText class.<

Andrew McCallum (mccallum at gnu dot org)
He is the original developer of the base library. At one point, the Coordinator and Chief Maintainer for GNUstep.

Helge Hess (helge.hess at mdlink dot de)
Work on libFoundation and other useful libraries. Enhancements to gstep-make.

Felipe A. Rodriguez (nsfar at yahoo dot com)
Developer, did a great deal of work on the GUI and XRAW backends.

Ovidiu Predescu
Co-developer of the GNUstep Database Library, the Foundation Extensions Library. Responsible for much of the early development for the GNUstep Makefile Package, the GNUstep GUI Library and the GNUstep X/DPS GUI Backend.

Scott Christley
A lot of early GNUstep developement work and support.

Keith Mason (keith at gnustep dot org)
Former operator of the GNUstep web site.

Ayis Theseas Pyrros (ayis at esg dot com)
Designed the GNUstep logo. One could interpret it as the ying-yang of object-steps.

Paul Kunz
Father of the objcX and GNUstep idea. Passed away.

Someone missing ?

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